Wednesday, September 30, 2009

No brats for Pratt

I try to hold an objective view-point when it comes to recent news and events but even this seems ridiculous. Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag seem to be very open about their sex life, or lack there of. Pratt claims he won’t have sex with Montag because he is afraid she will become pregnant. Montag is apparently itching to be a mother. This seems to be the smartest thing he has done in his ENTIRE career as a less than “B-list” celebrity. I don’t think the world is ready for some couples to reproduce.


For more on this INCREDIBLY interesting story, visit:

the hills are back with KRISTIN!

Totally unintentionally, I watched the “The Hills” tonight.  First thought was, “how come I didn’t know that it was starting tonight?”  Then immediately afterwards, I was like, “Was Kristin such a bitch on Laguna?”  Seriously, I used to watch Laguna Beach and I DON’T remember Kristin being such a bitch.  Did I miss something?  Oh man, Kristin really brought The Hills to another level.  Guilty pleasures… Ahhhhhh…. THE HILLSSSSS!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Marcos Mion se apresenta em um vídeo para a Record

Para conquistar o novo programa que a Record prepara para as noites de sábado, Marcos Mion não ficou apenas num discurso bem ensaiado. Ele gravou um vídeo especialmente para a ocasião, se colocando não apenas como apresentador, mas também como um profissional ligado às novas mídias, capaz de atrair o interesse do público jovem – alvo da atração – e também do mercado publicitário.

Nessa gravação, inclusive, Mion se passa por personagens de comerciais veiculados na TV – como o de um desodorante, por exemplo. A proposta lembra a do “CQC”, da Band, que tem seus repórteres e âncoras em praticamente toda a publicidade do programa. Ele sugere ainda fórmulas de captação de merchandising e ideias que poderão envolver e ajudar outros títulos da emissora.

Segundo se informa, foi uma apresentação arrasadora. Claro, nem tudo são flores. Carlinhos e Vinicius, prováveis participantes desse programa, não estão assimilando muito bem essa condição de serem coadjuvantes de Marcos Mion. Dizem que preferem uma atração própria, ou então continuar com o Tom Cavalcante.

Mas são coisas que ainda serão administradas nos próximos tempos. Afinal, o compromisso de Mion com a MTV vai até dezembro, no comando do “Quinta Categoria” e do “Descarga MTV”.

Cooltura Urbana no

Fala meu povo!

Gente, me perdoem por voltar depois de tanto tempo só pra fazer merchã =x …mas como é pro bem do Cooltura, cá estou!

Eu, @johnnybrito, sou finalista no concurso de backgrounds da @twittess!

Tá…e daí?
Daí que o vencedor do concurso vai ser background dela durante o VMB (pra quem não sabe, ela tá concorrendo como melhor twitter…quem curtir tbm, vota nela!), o que vai dar uma divulgação ótima!
Como meu bg leva o logo do Cooltura, a divulgação seria bem legal pra gente também né!

Poooor issoooooooooo, peço encarecidamente que, se vcs curtirem o background, votem em mim lá por favooooor!
É bem facil, é só entrar e votar!

Tah…aproveitando o merchã, vou divulgar também que tem umas ilustras minhas do Elvis sendo venvidas como poster (tamanhoa A4, A3, A2 e A1) no site da Acervo Pessoal, gente!!! SUPER LEGAL! Dêem uma olhada lá que a vale a pena!

Bom..por enquanto é isso! Mais uma vez (milésima? =x) peço desculpas pelo sumiço, gente…minha vida continua uma bagunça e eu continuo sem tempo pra absolutamente nada =(. Mas juro que não abandonei o blog…prometo que juro!!!

Desde já, valeuzão todo mundo que votar e/ou divulgar!

# @johnnybrito

Monday, September 28, 2009

slightly overdue

guess my stm is back. i cant remember wad i did last week. wad i have in mind is that i watched the ugly truth and 4bia 2. wanted to blog bout the ugly truth but i fell asleep after putting up the pic so i didnt bother to publish it. i wanna watch it again man. 4bia 2 is just alrights. wad covering my eyes half da time. laughed so hard during the last story.

went to ION after work yesterday for dinner. dropped by miu miu and lv to see if there’s any nice wallets. i saw all these at lv.

prices alittle on the steep side.  the hair cubes are nice but considering the monogram vernis coin purse instead as it’s more practical. cant decide on which colour to get. at miu miu, only a wallet caught my attention. going at $570, it’s a pink, long seude leather wallet with a ribbon in front and the miu miu logo at the back. cant find da pic online. and once again, i’ve to make a decision. either miu miu or lv =(

was out today. visited bi’s dad, got his hair cut, down to singpost to collect his parcel and to dad’s home to collect his stuff. i’m tired. all the quarrels is making me so sick.

surf-ed the nets and saw this which cheered me up alittle. a baby cow from japan named HA-CHAN which means love. loves that heart on his head. superbly adorable.

p/s. ya like my sugar, my sugar. ya so sweet, so sweet. like my candy, my candy. ya so sweet, so sweet ♥

insomnia in korean by weesung. he’s cute =)

MTV's 'America's Best Dance Crew' Crowns Its First All-Female Crew - We Are Heroes

On Sunday, September 27, 2009,  history was made on MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC). Season Four contenders We Are Heroes defeated AfroBorike to become the first all-female crew to win the $100,000 grand prize and the title of America’s Best Dance Crew.

Dreams do come true — mine, and of course, theirs.

A few days prior to the announcement, The Ride spoke to We Are Heroes founder and leader Hiroe (”Hero”) Mcrae and crew member, Ali Ianucci.  Click here to read the post.

This is how it all started

What’s next for ABDC? Mario Lopez told the live television audience that season 5 will begin in January. Audition tapes are currently being accepted.

Who will make history during season 5?  Could we see an East Coast crew win the big prize, a show first?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I hope, I think, I know

Noch ein Tag bis zur Bundestagswahl und leider erst heute diesen überaus amüsanten Aufruf der Herren Klaas und Joko von MTV Home bei der frühmorgendlichen Weckberieselung entdeckt (die Selbstbeweihräucherung der Parteien kann man sich ja schenken). Ich hoffe, das gerade wegen solcher gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen, die ja in den letzten Jahren nicht unbedingt oft auf MTV liefen, nach Sparmaßnahmen und Absetzen fast jeder interessanten und informativen, zumindest was das popkulturelle Verständnis angeht, Sendung, noch junge Menschen MTV sehen. Den Rest kann man sich ja eh schenken.


Geoffrey Rush se diz pronto para Piratas do Caribe 4

Em entrevista à MTV dos EUA, Geoffrey Rush disse que está pronto para voltar a viver o Capitão Barbossa em Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, quarto filme da série Piratas do Caribe.

“Estou pronto para voltar. Eles estão esperando os roteiristas criarem algo que esteja além da trilogia, que leve a franquia a uma nova direção. Algo que seja novo e, esperamos, interessante para o público. Eles não querem simplesmente espremer a série e tirar um novo filme qualquer dali”, disse.

On Stranger Tides está sendo escrito pelos autores do original, Terry Rossio e Ted Elliot. O intuito da Walt Disney Pictures é começar a filmar em abril ou maio do ano que vem, para uma estreia em 2011. Resta saber, porém, se Johnny Depp retomará seu entusiasmo com o projeto

Friday, September 25, 2009

Existence Overhaul Part 2: Hitting the Books

“My connection with Bates is not dissolved now that I’ve graduated.  In fact, in some ways it’s becoming stronger than ever, for not only did I make some of the best friends I’ve ever had…, but I’ve been cruising the Bates alumni scene and Batesies are all over.  I mean all over… And what’s so great is that the majority of them are more than willing to help Bates post-grads out, whether that means helping you get a job in the company they work for or just meeting with you to discuss their career path.” Read on as Steph picks apart a variety of her job search tactics post-Bates HERE.

Cowboy Bebop Movie Needs a Re-Write

Copyright Shinichirō Watanabe, 1998

During an interview with MTV, Keanu Reeves disclosed that there was a finished version of the Cowboy Bebop script, yet it is apparently too good.

“There’s a draft of the script, but the writer did such a great job [that] in order to make the movie, you would need half a billion dollars,” Reeves told MTV News. “So the studio went, ‘This movie is fantastic and it would cost half a billion dollars, so he’s doing a rewrite.”

The writer of the script, Peter Craig, previously spoke about how extremely faithful this film will be to the original anime series. This is most likely the reason that the film would cost so much. Satisfying die-hard fans has been proven a tough thing to do, and with this anime series and its international following, it is one film you don’t want to screw up.

Follow the link over to MTV’s site to watch the interview with the heavily bearded Reeves.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kanye West's Latest Stunt

By now everyone knows about Kanye West’s dissing of Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV VMAs.  If you are one of the few people who have not heard of it, here is a clip of the event:

As you can see, Kanye is still convinced the world revolves around him.  There has been talk about boycutting his music.  Should it? No.  The music world is one of the few places where freedom of speech still exists.  Now, should he be taught a lesson? Yes. The problem is how.

Being the big baby that he is, some may suggest sending him to the corner for some quiet time.  Something tells me that will not work on this baby, he will just get angrier and throw more fits. So this leaves us with the problem of how to discipline someone like him.

Obviously this was a most important moment for Taylor Swift and her career.  But Kanye, who was earlier seen drinking alcohol straight out of the bottle on the red carpet, decided to do what he does best; FREE publicity.  The best kind of publicity there is.  I mean, everyone is talking about it, even I am writing about it. Shame on us. Now, weather it was a drunken binge or just another megalomaniac outburst by Mr. West we may never know.  My vote goes to the latter.

This is not the first and definetelly not the last immature outburst we will see from this character but it sure beats paying a publicist to promote you.

Kudos Mr. West for you have taken us again, but next time please leave your whinning for behind the scenes as you used to do, or even better, take it home and write an angry letter to the world just because it does not agree with you.

Let’s put this one to rest now and try to concentrate on other things.  Like that fact that after winning Best Video of the Year, Beyonce gave Taylor a chance to recover her moment of glory on stage. So all in all, the story has a happy ending and for Taylor Swift this will be an experience she will never forget.

Mr. West: Next time you may want to put the bottle down and bring some duct tape instead.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Moon News


Remember over a month ago we posted that Robert Pattinson was on the September cover of French magazine Premiere. Well scans of that magazine has appeared on a French New Moon fansite Le Monde Francesca. Here are the images from the magazine.




  Below is what appears to be an interview done with Charlie Bewley and Daniel Cudmore. Its in French so we’ll have to wait for the translations to surface. Sorry. 


 Please check out Le Monde Francesca for the complete scanned pages of Premiere! 


Another interview with Michael Sheen today and this time done by MTV.

MTV: Tell us about your character in “New Moon.”

Sheen: I play Aro. For people who aren’t fans of the books, I play one of the Volturi — somebody described it as being like the royal family of vampires, which I guess is a good description. He’s very calming on the surface, very gentle and soft on the surface. But beneath, he is a psychopathic killer. … He’s a great character, and I had a great time doing it.

MTV: When will we see Aro next?

Sheen: Well, he doesn’t appear in “Eclipse.” He appears again in “Breaking Dawn.”

MTV: Have they told you to set aside some time for that one?

Sheen: Who knows? Nothing has been spoken about yet.

MTV: We can also see some teases of a dark Dakota Fanning in the “New Moon” trailer. How is she in the film?

Sheen: She’s fantastic. She’s scary as hell, but she looks so sweet. She’s got a great character there. People are really going to love her.

MTV: You’ve worked with all kinds of actors. But is there anything quite like working with the maelstrom that is Robert Pattinson?

Sheen: [Laughs.] I don’t know how he copes with it all. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to deal with it when I was his age. He and Kristen are really amazing. They’re fully committed to what they’re doing, and I wish them all the best.

MTV: What’s the one “New Moon” scene you’re most excited to see come together?

Sheen: There’s a great scene that involves all of them. Robert, Kristen — Ashley is there as well. All the Volturi are there, and we’re on this amazing set, and there’s a lot of effects and stuff. I think that will be amazing.

Watch the video and full interview here.


Will a New Moon footage be screened at Rome Film Festival again this year? Read here.


 There will be a Sneak Preview of the NEW MOON: THE OFFICIAL ILLUSTRATED MOVIE COMPANION inside People magazine hitting the newstands on Friday 25th September. It will include never-before-seen-photos from the movie. This exclusive from The Twilight Thanks for the heads up!!

It may include this picture below - thanks to Robert Pattinson Life.


Canadian magazine Saturday Night Magazine’s October issue an exclusive interview with Ashley Green. This is Ashley’s first magazine cover!



On how she won the role of Alice Cullen: “I originally auditioned for Bella, and so I read the first book and kind of fell in love with it. I went in and auditioned and actually they called me back in and said, ‘No, you’re not right for Bella,’ so I was bummed, and then they brought me back for Alice. I worked more on it – that was all I did for a couple of days before I went in. I came in probably like five times before I actually got the role – and then I went home for Christmas and literally just had to wait and wait. I thought that I didn’t get it again, and then I got the call that I was Alice and I freaked out and called my dad and mom.”

What do you make of this Robert Pattinson craze? It’s starting to get to the point where the pandemonium is putting him in dangerous situations. What’s your take on that?
It’s sad for Rob! It’s a hard thing because we absolutely adore our fans, and he does too, and they helped us get to where we are now so you have to be thankful for that. I applaud him – with my fan encounters, there’s a process. It’s kind of like this chisel effect where there’s one and then it’s two and then it’s five, so I was kind of able to ace it. But he got slapped with 25,000 screaming girls so I definitely think he’s taking it in stride. They love him so much and I know they don’t want to hurt him, but people just don’t realize that when they’re that many people coming with a force, it can be very dangerous sometimes.

How has it been with the other Twilight castmates? Is there anyone on set that you happen to be closer with?
Kellan [Lutz] and I are very close. I have different relationships with different people – and it’s really great, I kind of get the best of everything. Rachelle [Lefevre] and I have this, like, zest for life. She and I can just go and have a glass of wine and unwind, and we work out together and stuff like that so she and I have that kind of relationship – I think we’re both easygoing, fun people. Kristen [Stewart] and I recently got closer. I feel like in the first film, we were friends, but with our schedule we were never in the same place at the same time. So, with the second one, it was more intimate as far as the amount of people involved. After the first week or two of production, it was just me, Kristen, Rob and Taylor [Lautner], and then Rachelle was there for a little bit. Taylor’s super, super sweet, and Jackson [Rathbone], I adore. I love them all. They’re great.

Head on to for the complete interview.

Especial: VMA 2009 - parte 2

Falar que Kanye West é arrogante e insensato já não é novidade, mas na noite do VMA, ele ultrapassou todos os limites. Quando Taylor Swift foi receber o prêmio de melhor vídeoclipe de artista feminina , West simplesmente subiu no palco e desabafou que o vídeo de Beyoncé era um dos melhores de todos os tempos. Venhamos e conhevamos : o clipe de Taylor realmente não tinha nada demais, mas o “recado” foi totalmente inapropriado. Logicamente, o feito escatológico de proporções bíblicas recebeu enorme respaldo da web, TV e até mídia impressa, como se pode ver em sites como este e montagens como estas. O engraçado é que os chiliques de Kanye estão se tornando tão previsíveis que parece combinado.

E pra um dos maiores desastres de relações públicas da história da música, um acontecimento igualmente polêmico : Beyoncé, ao receber o prêmio de Videoclipe do ano (era só ter esperado alguns minutos,  Kanye…), deu a Taylor a chance de agradecer devidamente pelo seu prêmio e, provavelmente, para mostrar que A Destiny Child é Uma Uma Di-va. O interessante dessa história toda é que, juntamente com o “amadurecimento” musical de Bey dos últimos anos, parece que vem sendo feito todo um esforço para transformar a cantora num ícone da música pop/RnB; exatamente no que poderia se chamar de diva nos dias de hoje  (se isso lá é elogio). Se for essa a intenção, os eventos do VMA de 2009 ajudaram grandemente para maturar a imagem pública de Beyoncé. Inclusive a performance de Single Ladies.

Single Ladies foi o grande sucesso do último álbum da cantora e uma das performances mais aguardadas da noite. Contou com uma leve modificada na mixagem da música, mas apresentou elementos identificáveis do clipe : as mulheres de collant, Beyoncé (ou melhor, Sasha Fierce) com a armadura de Pégaso e a dancinha trenzinho das popozudas. Muito aplaudida, pode-se dizer que Knowles foi a que se saiu melhor no VMA 2009.

Saldo : o maior ídolo da história da música morreu e a “rainha do pop” está com o caixão quase encomendado também.

A nova geração?

Música country ganhando destaque e prêmios – ao menos de consolação – no mundo pop (sim sim, mas Shania Twain já sumiu…), mulheres que não saem de casa com absorvente reserva, conceitos de moda completamente exóticos, gente que acha que falar o que pensa, em qualquer cirscuntância, é válido, e um apresentador chato pra cacilda…

O futuro nos reserva grandes surpresas!



Monday, September 21, 2009

Indicados ao EMA'09

A premiação acontecerá no dia 05 de novembro, em Berlim. Das 13 categorias apresentadas, 11 serão pelo voto do público, que poderá ser efetuado pelo site da premiação. Como já era de se esperar, a cantora Lady Gaga lidera o ranking de indicações, juntamente com a banda Kings of Leon.

Veja abaixo a lista de indicados:

Melhor canção:

- Beyonce/Halo; Black Eyed Peas/I Got A Feeling; David Guetta com Kelly Rowland/When Love Takes Over; Kings Of Leon/Use Somebody; Lady Gaga/Pokerface

Melhor apresentação ao vivo:

- Beyonce; Green Day; Kings of Leon; Lady Gaga; U2

Melhor grupo:

- Black Eyed Peas; Green Day; Jonas Brothers; Kings of Leon; Tokio Hotel

Melhor artista revelação:

- Daniel Merriweather; La Roux; Lady Gaga; Pixie Lott; Taylor Swift

Melhor cantora:

- Beyonce; Katy Perry; Lady Gaga; Leona Lewis; Shakira

Melhor artista europeu:

- Indicações serão anunciadas em 12 de outubro

Melhor cantor:

- Eminem; Jay-Z; Kanye West; Mika; Robbie Williams

Melhor artista urbano:

- Ciara; Eminem; Jay-Z; Kanye West; T.I

Melhor rock:

- Foo Fighters; Green Day; Kings of Leon; Linkin Park; U2

Melhor alternativo:

- Muse; Paramore; Placebo; The Killers; The Prodigy

Melhor vídeo:

- Beyonce/Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It); Britney Spears/Circus; Eminem/We Made You; Katy Perry/Waking up in Vegas; Shakira/She Wolf

Melhor performance mundial de palco:

- Coldplay; Kid Rock; Kings of Leon; Lady Gaga; Linkin Park

Starmaker 5

They toast to Angel and are impressed by how much Laurieana improved. Melody is all whiny about losing her friends and she knows the judges don’t love her anymore so she doesn’t know where to go. They’re glad there’s no more “Melody and Angel” to complain. They wonder how Melody will cope because she talked too much about the others.

Again about image. They are going to be featured in a spread of Modern Home & Living. It’s a celebrity home a lifestyle magazine. They have ten minutes with their photographer. Use whatever is the artist’s thing. The first couple are stiff but Lauriana doesn’t have any trouble. Liz has trouble. Melody is awkward and does a lying down thing. They don’t say anyone’s names which makes it hard to follow a bit. Todd pretends to smash his guitar. David holds a guitar and jumps off the couch. Monet is a little sexy to the point where David wonders if he shouldn’t watch. Then the group gets a group shot.

Song selection time. “Go safe you might go home.” The choices are: Lenny Kravitz’s American Woman, Jason Miraz’s I’m Yours, All American Rejects’ Move Along, Robin Thicke’s Magic and an Original Song) Melody is shocked that no one wants the original song. David chooses it and says he has to write it now. Melody tries to talk the guys into fighting and removing other people’s names…

Jordan complains about Melody. In comes Melody to say “if a man has something to say he should say it” but when Jordan says she complains and she says she never complains. Ask anybody. He says nobody would say because they don’t want to deal with her. She says he’s not a man. He yells. She says he’s going home anyways so it doesn’t matter.

Laurieann training time. Omotayo closes his eyes too often. She thinks Todd is unique and looked great by the end. David’s wrote a song called “Never.” It sounds like it was a good choice from what we hear. He’s playing piano and nervous. Laurieann worries that he’s holding back because he doesn’t trust himself. Again she’s hard on Jordan.

They get the picture of themselves and are all excited about it. It comes with a letter that says they’re halfway through the competition. Performance time. Everyone’s taking chances. Jordan fears going home.

A strong performance of “Magic” by Christopher John. He gets positive feedback from the judges but is told he should have stepped up earlier. He’s amazing according to Laurieann, who calls Tamara a hater.

Omotayo performs “American Women.” He’s told he’s flat and didn’t interact with the crowd well.

Todd was dubbed the one to beat last time. He does “Move Along” this week. This is a very him song though it doesn’t really show off talent as far as actual voice range and what not. But he’s got the crowd going. (He’s a little screamy but the crowd doesn’t seem to care.) He gets a huge applaud. Back stage Liz says he’s so cute. He’s a star in the making and he gets better every week.

Jordan does “I’m Yours” which is definitely my favorite song option. He seems to finally be doing a good job. I can’t tell if Melody’s expression says he’s terrible or awesome. The crowd loved him but he had issues. Tamara asks what he did to the song. He didn’t hit the notes. Laurieann says you can’t teach someone to communicate a feel good message. Great job from her.

Original Performance by David now, called “Never.” No one can argue that he didn’t take a risk. It’s a pretty nice song. He killed it, according to Rodney. Tamara agrees he’ll never have to deliver pizzas again if he keeps going like that. Laurieann showed everyone that anything is possible and that his performance was phenomenal.

Omotaya worries that he might go home.

The boys are brought onto the stage. Christopher John, Todd, and David Bennet are asked to step forward. CJ wasn’t the best or the worst so he’s safe. He’s got to put more work in to win. David and Todd were both the top performers and both can be pictured in music magazines. They’re safe as well, of course. Omotayo and Jordan are in the bottom. Rodney says he’s starting to wonder if they had what it takes. Omotayo says he’s been consistent before this week and Jordan says he’s been improving. The group has agreed that Jordan is going home. No surprise there.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

That's My Goal...

Firstly…apologies for quoting Shane Ward…….. *vomits*

Secondly…..see that there Beyonce… the end of May I must be able to do that!!!! It’s my goal for Transition Year!!!! Cos it’s a dance that is made of pure win…and I must learn it for that reason….so it’s non-stop Single Ladies for myself!!!!!

Even though I’m doing so so so so much this year ( )…this is actually something I am invested in doing…….so expect results!!!!!

My other goal so far is to arrange all the old photos in my house into albums in chronological order (cos I’m weird like that)…looking through them….you can see my happiness decrease from when I was 1 to when my first brother was born!!!! ……also expect lots of random pics i like ending up here and on Twitter……

However…Beyonce is much more interesting than photos……..and it also allows me to post this…

Sound is shitty but seriously….¿Porque Kanye? ¿Porque?!!!!!!! But seriously….Taylor’s was good….but Beyonce was well video of the year…and she is so classy like!!! and you cud totes imagine her being all “oh hellllllllllll no….uh uh…….guuurrrrrlll what is he doin?? Get yo Black ass off that stage!!!” when he was talkin…cos Beyonce is so cool like that….I love her……….oh and it also lets me post this….

Finally….Obama actually lives up to summat that he suggested he would do durign his campaign……be fun!!!

Oh………and just cos she’s THAT AWESOME!!!!!!!

Seeing as I only discovered it this week….it is REALLY catchy…and a good video…..deserved to win!!!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bloody Bizarre: The 2010 MTV VMAs

Last year, I used the unfortunate blight that is the MTV VMAs to rant about the state of music television. This year, it turns out, has produced fodder of a different kind. Sure, I could still rant about the lack of quality in music videos and MTV, but that’s not really top of mind after viewing the awards show on Sunday night. I’m not quite certain what it was that made this year’s show so surreal; it could have been a combination of the incessant Twittering and texting running along the bottom of my screen (I watched it via MuchMusic in Canada, but it could have very well been happening everywhere), or the long line of live airing debacles (the Kanye West outburst didn’t even seem quite as strange as the general malaise and/or bewilderment throughout the rest of the show).

The show kicked off with yet another Michael Jackson tribute (I had to watch just to see what the institution that really created him would come up with), and it was…boring. For an artist who based most of his career on spectacle, the performance was bizarrely pedestrian. I had expected several celebrities to make an appearance (hey, people like Usher and Justin Timberlake made a living off imitating him), but instead it was a long line of generic dancers doing a few of Jackson’s routines against a backdrop of the music videos. And these dancers weren’t even all that good – during the gravity-defying leaning move at the end of Smooth Criminal, one of the dancers ended up being rather conspicuously bent over like a coat hanger instead. Then Janet Jackson made her appearance during Scream in order to dance in-sync with her brother on the screen behind her – she fell out of step somewhere and ended up lagging slightly behind like a satellite feed. The quality control on the man’s memory was about as good as the quality control on his public image during the last fifteen years.

Then there was the odd, less-than-exciting cover version of We Will Rock You by Katy Perry and Joe Perry, which inexplicably summoned Russell Brand to appear as host for the second year in a row. (I suppose the fact the MTV VMAs never seem to have a specific theme to run with contributes to the lack of coherence in these shows.) There are times that I find Russell Brand funny. There are times when I really don’t (loads of puerile sex jokes). This was of the second variety, which is wearing very thin. He, himself, seemed out of step more than usual (granted certain types of British humour don’t always make much of an impression on North American audiences, especially of the award show type, but Brand seemed to lose the plot a whole lot more than last year). His one decent comment was about American health care, and then he seemed to be relegated to the fringes for the rest of the night.

And then the part of the show that interested me the most was the Lady GaGa performance, which you can view above. Essentially, she parodied a tragic opera, which saw her strung up and bloody by the end. Perhaps what interested me even more than the performance itself was the reaction from MuchMusic VJ, Devon Soltendieck, who was manning the airtime before and after the live feed would cut in from New York. He stood there as though someone had just ran past him and slapped him in the face with a fish. Then he inserted the remark, “When is too much too much?” I found this a bit puzzling. Too much? MTV Awards? Without trying to be too punny, the comment kind of hung there.

I’d be the last person to rush to Lady GaGa’s defence about anything (I don’t listen to her music if I can help it), but there’s no doubt that her performance was a spectacle in the spirit of pushing boundaries of taste and adolescent rebellion, which I had assumed MTV always stood for. She made this year’s awards show memorable, and when, let’s face it, the majority of the music MTV promotes is disposable pop, the way it is performed comes to matter even more. We’re not expecting groundbreaking music or art on MTV; we’re expecting a channel that parents would cringe at, and style prevailing over substance. I’m not even particularly interested whether Lady GaGa’s performance represented her view of paparazzi and privacy; to me, it was a conversation piece that stood out from the other very standardized, predictable acts (oh, Green Day, you’re so dangerous inviting fans on stage with you). From what I gather, Lady GaGa has seemingly attracted loads of publicity for her costumes, her performances, her bisexuality, and the rather fascinating accusations of hermaphroditism. Russell Brand made reference to the latter charges in a set-up for one of his opening jokes, questioning why a woman couldn’t be strong, successful and sexually aggressive without being called a hermaphrodite. Obviously Brand’s comment simplifies things, but it does pose a good question regarding gender, sexuality, performance and social taboos, including suicide, disability and insanity.

Why did Soltendieck, amongst many others, including anti-suicide advocates, find Lady GaGa’s performance so unsettling and/or offensive, but don’t mind rap artists glorifying violence and sexism, including a chainsaw-wielding Eminem (who looked very subdued during this year’s VMAs)? Lady GaGa was different because she portrayed violence turned inward, not outward. Another thing that struck me about Lady GaGa’s gory performance was the implication of insanity – she was wholly absorbed in her role, right down to the mad, vacant eyes. Mental health issues can scare people much more than violence; ever since the seventeenth century, madness has either been treated as a freakish spectacle or as something to be institutionalized, literally sectioned from the rest of society. She also brought disability into it by supporting herself with crutches and having a girl spastically dancing in a wheelchair. To most, those things don’t belong on the stage at a pop awards show. Nor amongst sexily-dressed dancers. Is it allowed to sexualize disability? It makes you question what society deems appropriate where.

I also wonder why it is completely okay for Katy Perry to prance about in scant clothing singing about kissing girls and liking it, but Lady GaGa gets branded a she-man. I think it’s because Perry stays within the acceptable boundaries of gender and sexuality; she’s transparent and non-threatening, she still dresses like a pop tart pin-up should and kisses girls to titillate others, she’s an object, not a subject. Gender is a performance; in fact, identity itself is a performance. Lady GaGa represents an exaggeration of that truth and a stubborn refusal to stop performing. It’s why she was so offputting to Jonathan Ross months ago on his chat show; her facade never broke. People focus on the outrageous costumes and stage shows and often quite brutally attack her gender and sexuality because they find her challenging and/or disturbing; it’s easier to reduce her to a caricature than deal with someone who will not play everyone else’s game. I suppose she didn’t write a song called Poker Face for nothing.

Sexy antics are easy and not so provocative – rolling around in a wedding dress just doesn’t mean much anymore, nor do lesbian kisses between heterosexual women. I don’t find what Lady GaGa did very bizarre, but I do find the reactions to it to be quite strange, indeed. I have to give it to her – Lady GaGa actually found a way to shock the masses in a world where nothing supposedly shocks. When the Michael Jackson tribute didn’t deliver, she did.

A Strange Day – The Cure

Is It Really So Strange? – The Smiths

Friday, September 18, 2009

Scarlett Johansson + Pete Yorn = Best Music Video Ever!

Longtime readers know of my deep and abiding love for Scarlett Johansson, but what even I didn’t know until this morning is that aside from looking lovely and acting her ass off in some amazing movies, Scarjo can actually sing! I mean, I knew she had an album a while back, but, no offense, so did Paris Hilton.

And while I can’t vouch for the quality of the entire album Scarjo released this week with indie slatwart Pete Yorn — it’s called “Break Up” — I can say for sure that the song and video for their first single “Relator” is freaking awesome!

Christine and I often Tivo cool music videos for each other to find when they wake up and you can imagine my surprise when the little rocking, retro-fueled video (linked below) bleep bleeped onto my screen this morning. Sheer. Pop. Awesomeness. Thank you, sweetie!

Seriously, I loved the song so much that I watched the video at least ten times today…even Greta was tapping her feet! And even though the song comes a little too late to be our official 2009 summer jam — that honor goes to the equally jamming “1, 2, 3, 4″ by the Plain White T’s — something tells me “Relator” will be getting a lot of play on our iPods this fall.

To see the video for yourself, click here. And in the meantime, rock on Scaryorn, we don’t just love your song and music video…we totally wanna be you guys! Um, you know…minus the whole breaking up part…

Vem aí "Ti Ti Ti" na Globo

Momentos antes de participar do Chat Show do Terra, o ator Tato Gabus Mendes, contou que a TV Globo já está se preparando para refilmar um dos antigos sucessos escritos por seu pai, Cassiano Gabus Mendes, a novela Ti Ti Ti.

Escrita por Cassiano em 1985, a novela foi exibida pela Rede Globo na faixa das 19 horas e contava as loucuras da rivalidade entre os estilistas Jacques Leclair e Victor Valentín. Ti Ti Ti fez tanto sucesso que uma marca de batons da ficção, que tinha o suposto poder de deixar as mulheres irresistíveis, virou realidade e foi lançando comercialmente no mercado brasileiro.

Tato contou também, que caberá a Maria Adelaide Amaral a tarefa de adaptar o texto de Ti Ti Ti para a atualidade. Em 1997 a autora adaptou Anjo Mau, também de Cassiano. Ainda sem diretor definido, a novela estaria programada para entrar na grade da TV Globo somente em 2010.


Apesar de acreditar que a concorrência surgiu com as novelas produzidas pela TV Record e SBT, Tato contou que não tem planos para deixar a Globo: “Os convites são bons para nos lembrar que trabalhamos com qualidade, mas temos, eu e meu irmão, uma relação muito boa com a Globo.” Tato negou também que as novelas escritas pelo pai pudessem ser negociadas com outras emissoras.

A obra de Cassiano Gabus Mendes pode ser considerada uma das mais bem sucedidos da história das novelas na Globo. No seu catálogo de sucessos estão: Marron Glacê (1979/80), Plumas e Paetês (1980/81), Elas por Elas (1982), Champagne (1983/84), Brega e Chique (1987), Que Rei Sou Eu? (1989), Meu Bem, Meu Mal (1990/91), além de Ti Ti Ti e O Anjo Mau.

Influênciado pela obra do pai, Tato contou que pensa em se experimentar como autor. “Tenho já escrito alguma coisa, mas não preciso me fixar no formato das telenovelas, tenho ideias para o teatro e penso aproveitar minha folga para desenvolver alguns projetos nesse sentido.”, afirmou.

Com contrato de longa duração com a TV Globo, Tato está reservado para atuar em alguma produção em 2010, possivelmente a própria Ti Ti Ti.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

MTV Africa Music Awards 2009: Nigerian artistes maintain relevance

A couple of weeks ago, MTV, the organisers of MAMAs released the list of nominees in preparation for this year’s (the second) edition of the event billed to take place on the 10th of October at the Indoor Arena, Moi International Sports Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.

As usual, Nigeria was well represented on list as Nigerian artistes appeared in all but one of the ten categories of the awards. Let’s take you through the list category by category while examining the chances of the Nigerian nominees.

In the best male category, 2 Face and D’Banj bear the country’s flag whilst having Nameless of Kenya, HHP and Da L.E.S both of South Africa for company. I am not sure I can choose who is better between D’Banj and 2 Face but I can confirm that they are both worth the places they occupy.

Also in the Best New Act category, Nigeria is represented by two artistes namely M.I and Bigiano. I had always thought M.I had only taken the nigerian music scene by storm, now I know better. It has actually been a good year for the rapper. Bigiano has also enjoyed a lot of

media patronage here in Nigeria.

M.I gets his second nomination in the Best Hip Hop category. However, he is up against A.Y of Tanzania, Zulu Boy of South Africa and guess who…Jay Z and Kanye West both of the United States. Now, M.I is very good at what he does, but I don’t think he stands any chance against the bigwigs; Jay-Z and Kanye West.

Relative rookie, Kel was found worthy of a place in the Best Female category which has Lira and Zamajobe of South Africa, Amani of Kenya and Lizha James of Mozambique. The female rapper has definitely done well for herself in the past one year or thereabouts especially with that single of hers titled ‘Waa wa alright’.

D’Banj gets his second nomination in the Best Performer category where he has to compete with Nameless of Kenya, Blu*t of Uganda, Samini of Ghana and compatriots, P-Square. Many Nigerians might choose the twin brothers ahead of D’Banj when it comes to this…stage performance.

In the best R&B category, Nigeria’s flag is hoisted by 2 Face and Darey Art Alade. I’d like to seize this opportunity to give kudos to 2 Face for staying relevant for this long. Darey sure deserves the nomination with the success of that ‘Undareyted’ Album. Rather unfortunately, the same category has world-wide accepted R&B crooners, Beyonce and Akon in contest. Loyiso of South Africa make up the number of nominees in this category. Anybody will easily conclude that the award will end up with either Beyonce or Akon.

In the Best Group category, P-Square together with the Mohits all Stars represents Nigeria amongst ‘Gang of Instrumentals’ of South Africa, Blu*t of Uganda and Gal Level of Namibia. Wait a minute, what has P-Square done this year to merit these nominations…just thinking aloud!

Nigeria is also represented in the big one, the Artiste of the Year category. D’Banj and 2 Face are the flagbearers. They are pitched against South Africans, HHP and Lira and Nameless of Kenya.

Jude Abaga

Finally, Tu Face gets his fourth and final nomination in the Best Video category with his ‘Enter The Place’ video. This makes him the artiste with the highest number of nominations this term. D’Banj ended up with three while M.I has two for himself.

The unveiling ceremony is expected to be anchored by Wyclef Jean and will witness performances b yLira, M.I., Samini and Wahu (who are all nominated for awards).

Here is the list of nominees for the 2009 MTV Africa Music Awards that will be hosted by Wyclef Jean. For more specific information(s) about the award you can visit MTV’s website.

Twitter unethical journalism?

After the MTV VMA drama (skip to 00:40 of clip) where Kanye West once again stole the limelight, media organisations and interviewers all around the world have been seeking opinion- Team Kanye or Team Taylor?

Before an ABC interview with Barack Obama, the interviewer asked the President if his daughters were as upset about Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech as his were.

The interviewer and Pesident talk about the incident and Obama calls West “a jackass”. Someone in the background jokes that this should be made the first question, inplying the interview clearly had not started.

Journalistic practice usually allows for conversation and comments before and after an interview, with the unspoken agreement that anything said is off the record and NOT for publication. Any information clearly not part of the interview should be approved by the person concerned before being published or circulated.

This is what has made Obama’s comment even bigger news than the incident itself, causing some to question whether new technologies like Twitter are creating unethical journalism.

“If you’re sitting there with a microphone on, you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy,” said Kelly McBride, an expert in journalism ethics for the Poynter Institute. “If you’re a governor or president, you know that.”

Although as a journalist your job is to report facts and events to inform the public, it is still important to build up trust with your contacts. As entertaining as it may be, the President calling a well known entertainer a jackass, it hardly seems to be the type of information the public NEED to know.

Some believe it is important to report on the Presidents comments, and that mediums such as Twitter are dangerous, as they can report events quickly and without the sort of monitoring that a news publication would have.

Twitter, a technology that’s a natural tool for reporters who love to tell people what they know whenever they know it, has raced ahead in usage before many news organisations have developed policies to govern its use, said Richard Wald, a former ABC News executive and professor at Columbia University.

“You need to reinforce the sense that you have to verify before you publish,” Wald said. “The policies may be very comprehensive, but they may not be adequate to the technology that news organisations have.”

Although Obama shares the same opinion on the incident as millions around the world, there are, and will be many more, critics of his comments. As the President should he be seen as a normal person who has an opinion on pop culture? Or shouold he only speak about these matters in the privacy of his own home where he isn’t likely to be Tweeted about?

Another issue altogether is who published the info and how- a shared recording of the interview, with the Tweeter unaware it was supposed to be off the record. Should information like this be used at the sole discretion of the interviewer, or should it be openly available for other employees as long as they understand what is and what is not available for circulation?

More questions yet to be answered as technology speeds ahead of the law. It will be interesting to see how this develops, and what the landmark cases will be.

Defamation on Twitter? Contempt of Court? Questions already thrown around but yet to be formally tested.

Story quotes taken from can be found here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Long Live the King...

On Sunday night, Madonna gave an award speech to Michael Jackson. In her speech she talked about her kinship with Michael and defined him as a “hero”. She also explained how we let him, “slip through our cracks.” We began talking about this speech and about our experiences since starting raannt. We’ve met a lot of wonderful people, been exposed to a lot of wonderful experiences, but the flip side is true as well. For every article we write, we receive just as much praise as we do hate mail, not necessarily for us, but mostly for the people or the establishments we write about in our blog. This past weekend, we discussed how our motive had been to bring this community, not of straight or gay, black or white, young or old…but the community of Indianapolis together and to help everyone enjoy what our great city has to offer. So, with this video clip, we hope to inspire all of our readers to do great things, come together in our kinship, try to understand one another, critique helpfully and love more, and not let what we have here in Indy slip through our cracks…

We love you Indy…

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

Is he still playing in the NFL?

On this episode of The Wheelhouse: Bower and “The Sweet Nasty” Chris Cause kick off the show with wishing CHRIS CAUSE a “HAPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!” Which leads to a very special guest calling in to sing Happy Birthday to the SWEET NASTY! After Cause blows out the candles and we wipe the tears from our eyes we get back into talking sports like…guess where JEFF GARCIA is now, how MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL nearly gave Chris Cause a heart attack and a 20 MINUTE conversation on a potential new game down the line called…”IS HE STILL PLAYING IN THE NFL?” We talk a little bit about the US OPEN MENS FINAL and then pass out the cake slices in this beeatch of a podcast!

Download the Podcast – HERE!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Could You Be So Heartless. LOL.

For the last 36 hours the internet has been abuzz and at the top of the trending topics and google searches is one man, Kanye West. During Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards, Mr. West went on stage after they announced Taylor Swift’s name for the Female Video of the year. Now I will be the first to admit that when they announced Taylor’s name as opposed to Beyonce, Pink, or even Lady Gaga, I was twittering away about my surprise at the choice but none of us could have prepared for Kanye’s stunt. He climbed on stage during her speech and snatched the microphone away from her. He then proclaimed that Beyonce should have won. (please see the video clip below). While he was doing it I kicked out about five tweets, and about 20 minutes later, he was a trending topic.

Kanye’s Beyonce outburst mimicked everyone’s thoughts when they read Taylor swift’s name, fortunately or unfortunately, he was in the position and obviously inebriated enough to jump on stage and say it. I read some of the public tweets and there was talk of racism, with the n word being tossed around, lots of douche bags (one website even calling him the Doucher of the Day), and a slew of other negative things that I thought were a bit over the top, but were all a reflection of how people felt nonetheless. While I thought what Kanye did was mean, I never felt like he was the devil or evil, or stealing candy from a baby as some tweets pointed out. Maybe I am heartless or maybe I just didn’t see it as a big deal. West later took to his website to issue an apology and did the same today as well.

Today proved to be one of Kanye’s worst days as a celebrity, sure but lucky for him he had a chance to redeem himself, in the form of Jay Leno’s premiere on which he was slated to perform with Jay-Z and Rhianna. Prior to the performance, Jay Leno brought out Kanye who requested a chance to speak. He was apologetic and based on his appearance, it was clear that he was sincere. Jay asked him how his mother would feel about it and his 20 second pause and struggle to hold back tears showed his sincerity.

I must say that I am kinda on Kanye’s side. As far as what he did to Taylor, it was rude, but in his defense, we were all thinking the same thing, he just had the balls to voice his opinion. And while its not an excuse, he had been sipping on Hennessey the whole night, starting from the red carpet.

I think when he sobered up and realized it didn’t go over as well as his drunk mind may have thought it would’ve, he sincerely apologized. So I suppose now the question becomes do we forgive this man who continues to act out? A man who lost his mother, who was one of his closest friends, and never took time to mourn. A man who is fed up with not being able to lead a private life when he wants to, as he is constantly hounded by paparazzi. A man who is egotistical and also emotionally unstable. How do we deal with him when he acts out? I honestly think we expect too much of celebrities. They are still people. They can be mean, they can be rude, they can be nice, then can be anything that someone in your everyday life is. We expect them to be perfect, but why? If we look at all of the deaths that have happened as of late, we can see what happens when celebrities are pushed to the limits, while they don’t deal with financial issues, such as job loss, and healthcare, they deal with things that most regular people cannot imagine. They end up addicted to drugs, they party too hard, and they act out in egotistical ways. Imagine not being able to do something as simple as going to Target. That is something Kanye can’t do and something Michael Jackson couldn’t do. Imagine how that could effect someone. When my ex put me on a pedestal I couldn’t stand it, imagine the whole world putting you on a pedestal. So while I feel bad for what happened to Taylor Swift during her special moment, nothing in me wanted to jump on the I Hate Kanye band wagon.

Kanye at the VMA's

Yeah I watched it late. I think Kanye is self centered with a huge ego. I mean sure he has some decent tracks & some weird ones. I mean the other time he didn’t get an award he threw a hissy fit. Now he interrupts the poor girl on stage for her 1st time getting an award. I could tell her expression was priceless & uncertain what to say back. I am not sure if its all staged like what happened with Eminem & Bruno. Does anyone happen to know? Either way I think it was pretty lame. What did you all think?

I think he should have let her have her moment. She really is a good artist. Of course I love Beyonce more but still.

Monday, September 14, 2009

MTV Viedo Music Awards

Podem ver em baixo as várias categorias dos VMA’s e o respectivo vencedor:


Video of the Year: Beyonce, ‘Single Ladies

Best New Artist: Lady Gaga, ‘Poker Face’

Best Hip-Hop Video: Eminem, ‘We Made You’

Best Male Video: T.I. featuring Rihanna, ‘Live Your Life’

Best Pop Video: Britney Spears, ‘Womanizer’                                                                                                                                                 Best Rock Video: Green Day, ‘21 Guns’

Best Female Video: Taylor Swift, ‘You Belong With Me’

Best Video (That Should Have Won a Moonman): Beastie Boys, ‘Sabotage’

Breakthrough Video: Matt and Kim, ‘Lessons Learned’

Best Art Direction: Lady Gaga, ‘Paparazzi’

Best Choreography: Beyonce, ‘Single Ladies’

Best Cinematography: Green Day, ‘21 Guns’

Best Direction: Green Day, ‘21 Guns’

Best Editing: Beyonce, ‘Single Ladies’

Best Special Effects: Lady Gaga, ‘Paparazzi’


Podem confirmar as classificações aqui.

VMA: Lady GaGa "sangra" durante performance

Cantora faz performance durante cerimônia em Nova York

Uma das principais atrações do VMA deste ano, Lady GaGa se apresentou na cerimônia realizada neste domingo (13), em Nova York, nos Estados Unidos. Em parte de sua coreografia, a cantora usou um líquido vermelho parecido com sangue.

Na música apresentada, Paparazzi, Lady GaGa fala do assédio que sofre da mídia e dos riscos causados por isso. Com diversos figurinos inusitados, a cantora ainda simulou mancar com o auxílio de uma muleta.

O VMA 2009 ainda contou com shows de Katy Perry e Joe Perry, do Aerosmith, que abriram a cerimônia com o clássico do Queen, We Will Rock Yout, um clipe de Taylor Swift, Beyoncé e Green Day, que convidou integrantes da plateia para subirem ao palco.

A banda britânica Muse, que está lançando seu novo álbum, The Resistance, aproveitou para mostrar sua nova música de trabalho, Uprising, ao vivo.

Já a cantora Pink fez uma apresentação inusitada. Suspensa por cabos elásticos, a americana fez coreografias presa ao teto do teatro e arrancou gritos da entusiasmada plateia.

Para encerra, Jay-Z, que chegou somente no momento da apresentação, subiu ao palco para homenagear Nova York cantando ao lado de Alicia Keys. No último dia 11, o rapper organizou um show lembrando os ataques sofridos pela cidade em 2001.

Informações do site Terra

Sunday, September 13, 2009

KNOXX x Far East Movement charity event


Special thanks to Brandon Yee for putting this event together!  This was a charity event  and admission from the door went to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.










Far East Movement with music producers, Stereotypes

Lady Gaga, tied up and topless

We are dealing with a daring pictorial, in which the diva appears topless and in specific position for the practitioners of bondage.

Sexy outfits, ropes, tight knots were the ingredients of her appearance in  Japanese “Vogue” edition. The singer, who is preparing to present a sensational show at the MTV Video Music Awards, did not hesitate to show her gorgeous breasts.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Un videojuego para invadir a Venezuela desde Colombia. Las trasnacionales del entretenimiento siguen preparando el terreno para la guerra.

Sky Storm, desarrollado por la Compañía rusa Iriysoft para Addicting Games y que se basa en un ataque desde Colombia a Venezuela

En la famosa página web Addicting Games, muy utilizada por los jóvenes norteamericanos por su uso gratuito en Internet, encontramos el juego Sky Storm, el cual consiste en un ataque aéreo desde territorio colombiano a Venezuela.  Una vez más, el entretenimiento es uno de los frentes más activos para asentar en la mente de los más jóvenes la idea de Venezuela como campo enemigo e incitar a su destrucción.  Lo importante de este hecho es que, adelantándose a la aplicación de la Ley que prohíbe (al menos en Venezuela) el uso,compra y venta de videojuegos violentos, la compañía desarrolla otra estrategia, quizás sin el nivel de penetración de su anterior ofensiva, (Mercenaries II, reseñado más adelante) pero aderezada por el uso gratuito en la Internet.  El juego ha sido desarrollado por la Compañía rusa Iriysoft, con sede en Bryansk, Russia. La compañía se fundó en el 2005, y trabajan con Addicting Games desde el 2007. Este juego no se encuentra reseñado en su website. La compañía Addicting Games es una empresa que pertenece al Holding empresarial de MTV Network, que a su vez, pertenece al macro holding Viacom. Es interesante, porque este holding maneja a su antojo muchas de las cadenas de entretenimiento que son familiares para el público latinoamericano: MTV, NICKELODEON, VH1, PARAMOUNT PICTURES, NICK JR. y un largo etc.

Pero hay más. Esta compañía ha adquirido recientemente a una de las compañías más agresivas en la guerra mediática contra Venezuela desarrollada en Estados Unidos: la CBS. En su organigrama, encontramos otra noticia sorprendente: El hombre que toma las decisiones en Viacom (y ahora en CBS) es Sumner M. Redstone. Este nombre quizás no le suene familiar. Pero es uno de los 400 hombres más ricos del mundo según la revista Forbes, y su historial es lo que usted seguramente encontrará digno de interés. El Sr. Redstone desempeñó servicios en la división de la inteligencia militar durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su reclutamiento para trabajar con el Gobierno de Estados Unidos se  debe profesor japonés Edwin Reischauer (posteriormente embajador de Japón) y su misión (entre muchas) era, como estudiante en Harvard, romper códigos militares de Japón y diplomáticos de alto nivel. De origen judío, es uno de los principales exponentes del lobby judío con inmenso poder de influencia en las decisiones del Gobierno de Estados Unidos.

No deje de leer: Redstone resuelve la influencia a punta de billete. Es uno de los contribuidores más  grandes al Cato Institute ( Instituto que premió recientemente a Yon Goicoechea con 500.000 dólares, recalcitrante opositor al gobierno revolucionario de Venezuela). Además, presuntamente se encuentra encargado de la realización de OSS (Open Source Software / Software de Código abierto) para la CIA. En el 2005, fué acusado de un Rathergate, cuando develó al público que Bush no había presentado el examen físico para ingresar al ejército y que su familia había “metido la mano” para lograr complacencia en el trato a su hijo.Y ya que nombramos billete, vea a quién destina sus “aportes para la campaña” entre los políticos en el poder de Estados Unidos:  GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W. (R), CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM (D), KERRY, JOHN F , KENNEDY, EDWARD MOORE SENATOR (D), EMANUEL, RAHM. 

Alguna pregunta sobre la política exterior de Estados Unidos hacia Venezuela?…

El Juego_______________________

Para iniciar el juego, el jugador debe seleccionar entre tres expedientes, en los que se le asigna una determinada misión. Estos expedientes pueden leerse al seleccionar alguna de las tres carpetas amarillas que se encuentran sobre un escritorio. Una vez seleccionada alguna, se amplía la imagen y vemos, al lado derecho del escritorio la bandera de los Estados Unidos y al fondo del mismo un mapa sobre el que se habrá de llevarse a cabo la misión: se trata, ahora lo sabemos, de atacar militarmente Venezuela desde territorio colombiano. Una vez iniciado el juego, debemos “pilotar” un avión que despega de un portaviones, ya necesariamente estadounidense e instalado en las costas de Colombia, para “invadir” territorio venezolano disparando sobre algunos objetivos. 

Los planos concuerdan con el viejo plan “Centauro”, sobre el que conversaba hace unos días el General Melvin López Hidalgo hace unos días con Vanessa Davis en Contragolpe y que retomara luego con José Vicente Rangel (Televen, 06/09/09). Este plan fue develado por Venezuela entre 1999-2000, pero el General López Hidalgo insistía en la posibilidad de que éste fuera reactivado por Colombia en el contexto de la instalación de las 9 bases militares en el vecino país. El despliegue mediático pre-bélico estadounidense se fundamenta en operativos psicológicos que utiliza como dispositivos los principales medios de difusión masiva, entre los que la web es uno de ellos. Recordemos que hace sólo unos días la manifestación “No más Chávez” utilizó como principal medio de convocatoria las páginas de Facebook, Twitter y Youtube. Este tipo de video-juegos apuntan en la misma dirección, sin duda, contribuyendo a “naturalizar” un supuesto conflicto colombo-venezolano, que estaría además sustentado en “raíces” históricas, tradicionales, acentuando las diferencias y minimizando o haciendo invisibles las afinidades.


Uno de los videojuegos desarrollados por Pandemic Studios y distribuido por EA Sports en donde se ataca a Venezuela con el objetivo de sacar a Hugo Chávez del poder

Los antecedentes: Mercenaries II (World in flames)______________________

El norteamericano Chuck Kaufman está indignado con el videojuego norteamericano en el que se invade Venezuela por su petróleo. “Glorifica el odio y la cultura mercenaria del chantaje”, señala. Y apunta que la compañía desarrolladora, Pandemics, “está asociada a la guerra. Esto no es ficción”. Chuck Kaufman es un buen conocedor de la comunidad latinoamericana en los Estados Unidos. Antiguo integrante de la “Red nicaragüense”, actualmente pertenece a la “Alianza para la Justicia Global” (Alliance for Global Justice, AFGJ) y es el coordinador de la “Red Solidaria Venezolana”. Desde su lugar Chuck lucha por apoyar “a muchas agrupaciones de base” y por difundir la comunicación de los sectores que se oponen a la intervención de USA en Venezuela. Lea una entrevista hecha en septiembre del 2008:

Por eso la aparición del videojuego “Mercenaries 2: World in Flames”, en el que los jugadores invaden una Venezuela corrompida por el petróleo, encendió su ira. “Este juego glorifica el odio y la cultura mercenaria del chantaje entre otras, como el “derecho” de los Estados Unidos a intervenir militarmente en los países”, señala.

-¿Qué hacemos?

-Ninguno debería comprar este juego. Especialmente desde que se supo que la productora Pandemic Studios crea juegos para entrenamiento militar de la CIA y el ejército. La CIA y el Pentágono hace unos años contrataron a la misma Pandemic Studios para que desarrollara un videojuego ideado para reclutar y entrenar a jóvenes estadounidenses para matar. El simulador de guerra se titula “Full Spectrum Warrior”. 

////Un paréntesis. Fernando Saldivia Najul explora un poco más acerca de este juego: “Estos juegos están dirigidos principalmente a los jóvenes estadounidenses, futuros reclutas, con el propósito de acostumbrarlos a ver a Venezuela como un país de terroristas que los amenaza, y desensibilizarlos para que no deserten cuando los envíen para estas tierras a asesinar a nuestros hijos, mujeres y ancianos. Ya lo hicieron antes de invadir a Irak. Van más de 600.000 cadáveres. Podemos ser lo próximos. Nosotros no somos mejores que los árabes.

En otra dirección, estos videojuegos también están orientados para que nuestros jóvenes pierdan el amor a su país y reciban con admiración paralizante al despliegue de tecnología bélica de los gringos, quienes están, gracias a Hollywood, habituados a considerar a los rubios los buenos de la película. Y por supuesto, como lo sugiere el título, también son herramientas de reclutamiento de mercenarios de todas partes del mundo que deseen ganarse unos reales derrocando un gobierno democrático que no se arrodilla ante las grandes corporaciones. Fué tanta la repercusión interncional de esta ofensiva imperial, que varias personalidades del mundo religioso, intelectual y artístico redactaron una carta que fué firmada por miles de personas, denunciando el hecho/////

-La primera parte de Mercenaries se desarrolló en Corea del Norte, un país del “eje del mal”. ¿Venezuela es una elección casual?

-Obviamente no. Estamos contentos con el resultado de nuestra campaña de presión a Bono, la estrella del rock irlandés y cantante del grupo U2. Era uno de los mayores inversores en Pandemics y vendió sus intereses en la compañía. Asimismo logramos que los diseñadores cambiasen al ‘hombre malo’ del juego de una figura parecida a la de Chávez por la de un corrupto hombre de negocios.

-Un momento: Cameron Brown, director de Pandemics, dijo que esto es “sólo ficción. Películas de James Bond también se desarrollan en sitios de este planeta”. ¿Por qué preocuparnos?

-Bond es un agente inglés posterior a la era del imperialismo británico. Los Estados Unidos tienen más mercenarios en Irak que soldados. El régimen de Bush hostiga a Venezuela y Chávez con mucha claridad. Pandemics está asociada con la guerra; esto es más que “ficción”.

-¿Y las películas de guerra? La industria del videojuego dice que es perseguida mientras que Hollywood sale “de rositas”.

-Existe una diferencia entre mirar a alguien que mata una persona y pulsar un gatillo tu mismo. Esos videojuegos se han vuelto realistas. De todos modos no es verdad que el cine no tenga problemas con la violencia gratuita. Hay un sistema de calificación para las películas.

-¿Pensás jugar a Mercenaries 2?

-Lo dudo. Uso videojuegos casi cada tarde y probé el primero de Mercenaries, pero lo encontré incómodo porque todo lo que haces es pegar tiros y las cosas explotan. A mí me gustan los juegos donde tengo que resolver problemas con más habilidades.

-Chuck, como ciudadano estadounidense qué sientes con la actitud del país en la política exterior.

-Trabajo con la Red de Solidaridad de Venezuela por la paz. También tenemos comités de solidaridad con Centroamérica, activistas afroamericanos, grupos basados en la fe y círculos Bolivarianos en los Estados Unidos. Nuestra misión es oponernos y exponer la intervención en Venezuela y apoyar los avances del proceso Bolivariano.

-¿Cuáles son esos avances?

-Hay muchos puntos del proceso que merecen nuestro apoyo. Cito algunos: la eliminación del analfabetismo; el acceso libre y gratuito a la educación y a la asistencia sanitaria; los concejos comunales que son un avance para la participación democrática; la nacionalización de recursos que son un gran beneficio para el pueblo venezolano y no para las corporaciones multinacionales y una pequeña élite del país; la integración latinoamericana…

-¡Qué listado!

-Hay más: promover alternativas a un modelo libre de capitalismo salvaje; el reconocimiento de los derechos laborales de la mujer en las tareas de ama de casa; el reconocimiento de la tierra, la cultura y los derechos lingüísticos de los indígenas de Venezuela; la promoción de la radio y la televisión comunal…

-Un momento. ¿Qué hay del cierre de Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV)? ¿Eso es promocionar los medios?

-No hubo cierre de medios en Venezuela. De hecho la prensa es más libre ahora que en gobiernos anteriores. Yo vi los periódicos publicando con grandes espacios en blanco cuando sus historias eran censuradas en el gobierno de Carlos Andrés Pérez. Bajo el gobierno de Chávez sólo no se le renovó la licencia a una cadena televisiva (RCTV). Y no lo hubiera sido en ningún país civilizado considerando su rol en el intento de derrocar al presidente electo democráticamente.

-La última, ¿qué piensa usted de Hugo Chávez?

-Chávez es un importante líder mundial. Pero no importa lo que yo piense, sino los venezolanos. Y estos lo eligieron con el 63% de los votos.

Fuentes//comunicación  /////  /////// //////   /////// /////////  ///////


Friday, September 11, 2009

Taylor Swift to Re-release "Fearless" with 6 New Songs

Taylor Swift is giving fans some new music, even though she’s not yet releasing a new album. The 19-year-old country and pop sensation is re-releasing her top-selling CD “Fearless” Oct. 27 with six new songs. She will also include a DVD of photos, tour footage and her videos, including her comedic clip with T-Pain from the Country Music Association Awards earlier this year. “Fearless” has sold almost four million copies since it was released last November. It was named Album of the Year by the Academy of Country Music.

On Wednesday, Swift was nominated for four CMA Awards, including Entertainer of the Year. She’s also up for an MTV Video Music Award on Sunday.

The CD/DVD of “Fearless Platinum Edition” will be released Oct. 27, 2009.

CREDITS: Thanks to Taylor Swift’s Facebook page.


Brotherly/Sisterly love- Janet Jackson follow-up (63/365)

I’m making another Janet Jackson entry as sort of a follow-up to yesterday’s entry.

In 1993, Michael was honored at the 35th Grammy Awards by Janet and their camaraderie during the event was very sweet and touching. The Michael’s Oprah interview was really what introduced me to him and thereafter, any time an awards show would come on TV, I’d record it because I just couldn’t get enough of him. The 35th Grammy Awards was no exception. I actually still have this recorded and stashed away somewhere.

As a kid watching this speech when it aired, I was really touched. It was delivered during a time when I was especially hurting and when Michael said, “I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived…I am so sensitive to your pain,” I felt his emotions and believed him.


“I love you too, thank you…I hope this puts to rest, I hope this finally puts to rest another rumor that has been in the press for too many years: Me and Janet really are two different people… 

In the past month, I’ve gone from “where is he” to “Here he is again”.but I must confess, it feels good to be thought of as a person, not as a personality. Because I don’t read all the things written about me, I wasn’t aware that the world thought I was so weird and bizarre. But when you grow up as I did, in front of one hundred million people since the age of five, you’re automatically different. The last few weeks, I have been cleansing myself and it’s been a rebirth of myself. It’s like a cleansing spirit.



My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, there were no birthdays, it was not a normal childhood, nor normal pleasures of childhood – those were exchanged for hard work, struggling pain , and eventual material and professional success. But as an awful price, I cannot re-create that part of my life,nor would i change any part of my life. However, today, when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our god-given talents. The sound of approval rolls across the universe, and the whole world abounds in magic, wonder fills our hearts, for what we’ve glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life. And that’s why I love children and learned so much from being around them. I realised that many of our world’s problems today – from the inner city crime, to large scale wars and terrorism, and our overcrowded prisons ,are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them. The magic, the wonder, the mystery, and the innocence of a child’s heart, are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.

What we need to learn from children isn’t childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life, which is everpresent and only ask to believe. They know the way to solutions that lie waiting to be recognised within our own hearts. Today, I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived…I am so sensitive to your pain.


I also want to thank all those who have helped me to channel my talent here on earth. From the beginning, my parents, all my brothers and sisters, especially Janet. I am so proud of her, it’s incredible. I mean, I remember when we were little, I used to ask her to be Ginger Rogers, while I was Fred Astaire….. The Motown family, my teacher Berry Gordy. Diana Ross, I love you. Suzanne De Pazze. The wonderful, great Quincy Jones. Teddy Riley. My new godson Michael Gibb. My new Sony family, Akio Morita, Mickey Schulhoff, Tommy Motola, Dave Glew, Polly Anthony …Thanks for making one of my most creative efforts, the album Dangerous, such an incredible success. I love you all so much. Sandy Gallin, Jim Morey. All the fantastic fans around the world ,I love you very much.”

Be sure to check out the MTV music video awards this Sunday, September 13 at 9PM ET. Janet is reportedly going to be kicking off the show with a musical tribute to Michael. I’m really looking forward to it and already have TiVo programmed ready to go! Reports say she has been rehearsing up to 15 hours a day in preparation. I hope she does a collaboration of Michael’s songs because out of anybody, she could do his music justice.

Here’s one of my favorite live Janet performances. It’s “Alright” from 1995 from the Jackson Family Honors special:


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Janet Jackson Post

Well, well, well. What a week for Ms. Jackson’s fans. Where to start? Let’s see:


Janet Jackson is opening the night with a tribute to her late bother, a performance that is set to bring down the house. Some of the dancers included go back as far as the Control era. Above is the VMAs promo regarding Janet’s performance.


Janet Jackson has opened up for the first time since Michael passed away. You can read Bazaar’s exclusive interview on their website here. You’ll find out that she: 1. Finished filming the sequel to Tyler Perry’s No.1 box office smash Why Did I Get Married?, aptly titled Why Did I Get Married Too. 2. Finished writing a diet/self-esteem book called True You. 3. Is working on a new album. 4. Is planning to tour the album afterwards.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sheila Marcia : Potret Generasi Muda atau Generasi Tua?

Judul yang aneh. Maksud saya, sang artis jelita Sheila Marcia yang sedang dibui dalam keadaan hamil ini adalah potret siapa? Potret Generasi Muda jaman sekarang yang kebablasan? atau potret generasi tua yang yang seharusnya mendidik sang anak yang kebablasan?

Pesta Narkoba, Masuk penjara dalam kondisi hamil tentu bukan pilihan siapapun, termasuk Sheila Marcia. Tapi apa daya, kehidupan kota besar yang Hedonistis menelan bulat-bulat mereka yang tak sanggup menolak rayuannya. Kawan saya pernah bilang, “Generasi sekarang adalah generasi MTV, generasi yang dibesarkan oleh budaya POP,RAP, yang isinya cuma Party,Sex,Bling-bling, dan kekerasan.  Jadi wajar lah kalau mereka begitu”.

Apakah kita akan tetap bilang Wajar! Jika anak kita sendiri yang Pesta Nrkoba, Hamil dan masuk Bui?

Hi orang-orang tua, jangan ikut kebablasan, Matikan TV, ajak putra-putri anda mengaji, berdiskusi,berkomunikasi….Temani mereka menapaki langkah-langkah awal kehidupan mereka…..Insya Allah.


Aπό αύριο διαθέσιμο το Beatles: Rock Band, δείτε το διαφημιστικό του παιχνιδιού

Aπό αύριο διαθέσιμο το Beatles: Rock Band, δείτε το διαφημιστικό του παιχνιδιού | Game 2.0

Η επιστροφή των θρυλικών Beatles είναι γεγονός, καθώς το πολυαναμενόμενο Beatles: Rock Band κυκλοφορεί αύριο για Xbox 360, PS3 και Wii.[next]

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  • Rock Band Fender Precision Bass Guitar Announced For PS3
  • The Holiday Luxury List
  • Video: The OpenChord V1 guitar lets you play Guitar Hero, Rock Band with a real guitar
  • Rock Band Network Lets Anyone Upload Their Music, Launches This Year [Mtv Games]


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Update on Merriman and Tequila

Shawne Merriman

Tila Tequila is Twittering that tomorrow she will be able to speak.   Why she could not speak about the incident today or Sunday is unknown to me.  She also Tweets that Steriod abuse can lead to aggression.

Tequila does not mention Merriman in either of these Tweets, but she still appears to be very angry. Still more is to come, stay posted. See prior post regarding the Merriman-Tequila incident.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Robbie treedt op tijdens de Aria Awards!

Robbie zal later dit jaar verschijnen tijdens de ARIA (Australian Recording Industry Association) als een speciale gast.

Jullie in Australië kunnen beter klaar zijn voor een verrassing wanneer Robbie het podium betreedt op donderdag 26 november in Sydney’s Acer Arena om het enige Australische televisie-optreden van de single-die-snel-gereleased wordt ‘Bodies’.

Nine Network zal de awards-ceremonie filmen en jij kan dit alles volgen via MTV die de avond zal uitzenden.

Bron: | Robbie Williams België


Rubens LP

Rubens LP, nascido dia 15 de Janeiro de 1981 em São Paulo, designer com reconhecimento mundial por suas ilustrações unicas pelos seus estilo de arte.Já trabalhou para algumas empresas como: Microsoft, Nike, Absolut Vodka, Smart, Sony Ericsson, Coca-Cola, MTV, Editora Abril, Motorola, Ride Snowboard, entre outras.

No portfolio dele você tem acesso  a varios desenhos e no blog,  novidades sobre seus trabalhos.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Article: MTV’s Top 10 Twilight Moments

Gotta love me Twilight Top 10, so here it goes!



Top 10 ‘Twilight’ MTV Moments, From Spunk Ransom to 100 Monkeys

We helped name the fanbase, toured Catherine Hardwicke’s pad and much more, all for the Twilighters!

It’s no secret that MTV was all over the “Twilight” phenomenon back when other news outlets were still figuring out how to spell Stephenie Meyer’s name. Now, the world has been let in on our little secret — but with today’s news that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will be attending the Video Music Awards to unveil a never-before-seen trailer for “New Moon,” the mix of pop-culture powerhouses continues to be as tasty as peanut butter and chocolate, coffee and cream or Bella and Edward.

Sure, the “Twilight” stars have made a habit of attending all our MTV awards shows as they became household names and even dominated the MTV Movie Awards a few months back. But in our minds, the most special moments were the times when they came to us to make news, break news and sometimes even make us the news.

Below are our Top 10 “Twilight” MTV moments. Which is your favorite?

Spunk Ransom Is Born:

In one of his first interviews for the “Twilight” franchise, MTV News had nearly an hour alone with the soon-to-be A-lister on the set of the film. Among the many questions we brought him was: “What do you think of your nickname ‘RPattz’?” He responded in his usual charming, rambling manner, insisting that he wanted a new nickname: “Spunk Ransom.” The term has stuck, been officially defined, yielded some very cool “Twilight” merch and is reportedly the easiest way to get a smile out of Rob — er, Spunk — if you should ever meet him.

Don’t Count Out Taylor:  

Barely a month after “Twilight” opened at the top of the box office, young Taylor Lautner had become the J.D. Salinger of the series — disappearing from the spotlight and leaving many to wonder whether we’d see him again. Just when the consensus among fans seemed to be that his role would be recast with a more physically impressive actor like Michael Copon, we found Taylor at a tiny red-carpet event. Noticeably larger, he revealed that he’d been working out around-the-clock, was about to meet with “New Moon” director Chris Weitz and vowed to return as Jacob. Finally, “Twilight” Nation could breath a sigh of relief.


Kristen’s Near-Death Experience:

We all know that Kristen Stewart is a great dramatic actress, but when she said that filming the next film “killed me,” that took it to a whole new level. As KStew’s quotes rocketed around the Web, Twilighters became even more eager to see her “New Moon” performance.




Fach’s Bikini Incident:

Peter Facinelli. A one-of-a-kind Twitter bet. A grown man in a bikini dancing down Hollywood Boulevard. Need we say more?


Catherine’s Pimp Pad:

Who else but MTV could get exclusive access to Catherine Hardwicke’s house/office, the place where the “Twilight” movie phenomenon began? The affable director generously opened her home and gave us a tour of the backyard where Lautner auditioned, the dining room where KStew read her lines — and the bed where she and RPattz first kissed.


The RPattz Surprise:

In May 2008, we held a contest and landed “Twilight” fan Laura Culpepper as our guest correspondent. But what she didn’t know is that we had arranged for Rob himself to tiptoe in behind Laura while she recorded an on-camera segment and give her a sneak peek at “Twilight.” Without a doubt, this is one of the most memorable pieces of video in all the “Twilight” fandom, revealing Rob’s fun side.

 Name Those Fans:

Once upon a time, an epic battle raged between Twilighters and Twi-Hards over which was the proper name for the fanbase. Since we’re peacemakers as well as journalists, we held an epic poll to settle the matter once and for all. Rob, Kristen and the other stars of the series announced the results — and it’s been Twilighters ever since.


A Special Spoilers Evening:

To celebrate the conclusion of all those very special Twilight Tuesdays, MTV gave a few hundred Twilighters the chance to attend a taping of our movie special “Spoilers.” All the stars were there, it was a night to remember, and the show continues on as the renamed “Behind the Screen,” which airs Friday and focuses on films such as “Jennifer’s Body.”


RPattz Needs Undies:

Last November, we reunited Rob and Laura for a revealing interview that may have been, well, a bit too revealing. Ever wonder about Rob’s toenails, his parking-ticket troubles or his underwear? Well, then, you need to watch this.


100 Monkeys Hit MTV

As his fans know, the only thing more fun than watching Jackson Rathbone act may be seeing him in concert. Which is why we were eager to go backstage and onstage to watch his band 100 Monkeys perform at a club in Hollywood. Since then, we’ve caught the band again at TwiCon and spoke to him recently about the Monkeys’ plans to score his new movie. Rock on, Jackson!


View Source.



Thursday, September 3, 2009

September's Artist of the Month is Jeffrey Fiterman

This month design a tivity is proud to present Jeffrey Fiterman.

Jefrey Fiterman was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He became interested in photography at the age of six when his father gave him a 35mm camera

On a hiking trip.  Years later, armed with his passion for the camera, he packed up his ‘67 Ford Mustang and headed to sunny California to attend Brooks Institute of Photography.  Since then he has worked for clients from MTV to Seven7 Jeans and Venice Magazine.  Most Recently he was the official photographer for the Britney Spears Circus Tour.  He currently resides in Los Angeles.


Britney Spears & Russle Brand 2009 Vma Promo

Drawing on the success of last year’s hit “Elephant In The Room” ad, Russell Brand and Britney Spears have teamed up for a new promo for this years MTV’s Video Music Awards. In a commercial unveiled on Wednesday, a bikini-clad Britney Spears doubles as a mind reader, as she wishes for a personal invite from the British comedian who is back to host the program for the second year in a row. The award show will air live on September 13th at 9pm on MTV.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Beavis and Butt-head Return to Promote Extract

A serious wave of rare nostalgia just hit when I watched the first new Beavis and Butthead animation in, well, not really all that long.

Looking around I see that Mike Judges animated duo have popped up on MTV now and again for the Music Video Awards and stuff like a Jackass marathon.



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jay Z - Blueprint 3 Leak`s (Interviu/Video) .

“I may be the most bootlegged artist in history,” he told MTV News shortly after his album leaked. “It’s a preview. I’m excited for people to hear the album. I’m very proud of the work I’ve done, so enjoy it.”

All day, fans were weighing in on the new record on Twitter and Facebook. Jay kept it cool despite his material leaking out 10 days before the official release day. The iconic MC, though, had reason to relax: He has his own indicator to let him know whether reactions to his music are good or bad.

“My pager is actually ringing right now, so people are probably calling me and telling me they pretty much like it,” he explained. “I can tell by the way my pager rings if a song is good or not. It’s really going crazy right now.”

Via: 2Dope .
